Entry from Jack's journal follows
Monday, January 17
We stop at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary on our way back to Kampala. Idi Amin did away with the national parks during his regime so rhinos were poached to extinction here. There are a few at the zoo in Kenya and that is it. The refuge has two from Disney and 5 from the Kenyan zoo. Three babies have been born, including the newest named Obama. His mother is American and his father Kenyan. We get to view Bella and her calf Agusta. Awesome.
Entry from Jack's journal
Monday, January 17
As Eileen tells us in her short journal entry, this is the day we traveled back to Kampala. Along the way, we went by a settlement where there must have been a water source near the road -- there were a number of people and a lot of the ubiquitous plastic yellow containers used to carry water from wells. I wrote a short meditation about this hauling of water, something completely foreign to most of us in the U.S. Following that, some more pictures from the day.
Yellow containers.
Just for carrying water;
Loaded on bikes, carried on heads. Mostly by children.
Taken from boreholes. Or muddy ponds they call wells.
Water I would avoid. If I could.
What would my day be like
without water, save what I could carry
in yellow containers
from questionable sources?
What would yours be like?
Apparently, you can ride anywhere